Friday, September 15, 2023
The University of Georgia Franklin College of Arts and Sciences Creative Writing Program and the Institute of Native American Studies welcome Dakota author Mona Susan Power to Athens for a reading and conversation.
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Thomas Kole recently published this digital Portrait of the Aztec City as it would have appeared in 1521 when Hernán Cortéz's Spanish army invaded.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
The brutal history of American Indian boarding Schools has been a central focus of Native American Studies programs since the inception of the field. Now that history is making the headlines of the New York Times.
ICT Newscast on what the writers and actors' strike means for Native film and television. Bobby Wilson discusses his role in "Reservation Dogs."
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Covelo is an isolated Yuki town in northern California on the Round Valley Reservation that has been rocked by the recent murders of two young people. Residents frame recent events in the context of the long history of colonial violence.
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