Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Joshua Haynes, assistant professor of history at the University of Southern Mississippi, who earned his PhD in history at UGA in addition to the INAS graduate certificate in Native American Studies, has just published his first book. Patrolling the Border: Theft and Violence on the Cree
Friday, May 12, 2017
Return from Exile: Contemporary Southeastern Indian Art, the first major traveling exhibition of contemporary art by Southeastern Native American artists opens at the Cherokee Heritage Center in Park Hill, Oklahoma on May 12, 2017. RFE showcases more than fifty pieces by over thirty…
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
James A Owen, a PhD candidate in history who completed the INAS certificate in 2015, has received the prestigious Newberry Library American Musicological Society fellowship. James' research proposal was selected from a pool of over 200 graduate student projects from across the country.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
From the UGA News Service, June 8, 2016
Athens, Ga. - For the past five years, the University of Georgia's Laurie Reitsema has been researching how early childhood living conditions affect individuals' health outcomes as adults.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Excerpt Taken from: UGA Web site
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